A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Simpleton is a short physics puzzle game made for the My First Game Jam 2022 Summer Jam. 
In this game you have to create objects to let your foolish little friend bridge the gap towards victory!

It currently features 5 levels and a sandbox mode.


SimpletonMac1.1 31 MB
SimpletonWin1.1 22 MB

Install instructions

If you're on Mac it's as simple as downloading and opening it. On windows you should be able to find an .exe in the folder. ( I have a Mac so I don't know exactly)

Development log


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Pretty simple idea. Seems like it can have lots of potential. But the current lack of levels and objects to spawn means your options are very limited. Still though, a pretty ok game.


Simpleton, ok, simpleton.! ok simpleton  


Great game, very fun to play. I'd like more levels in the future, there's a lot you can do with this idea.